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10 Strategies to Scale React Apps for Better Performance

React Apps
10 Strategies to Scale React Apps for Better Performance

Scaling your React apps for better performance is extremely important as your app grows and attracts more users. Otherwise, if your app isn't optimized, it can slow down over time. React provides a few tools and techniques to keep your app fast and responsive no matter how it's going to become complicated. 

Here are 10 tips on how to scale React apps with the best efficiency:. These tips will emphasize ensuring your application performs well, yet it won't introduce unneeded complexity. Be it a small or large application, these tactics can keep it running smooth and accessible to users. 

1. React will rerender parts of your App every time there is a change. But sometimes React can do really excessive work that isn't necessary. React.memo(): can be a great fix for the above situation. 

React.memo(): is basically a memoizer for React. It keeps tracking of what the elements should rerender. With React.memo, all you do is just re-rendering part of your App only when the data changes, and hence you don't find React spend time and resources for updating those particular sections.

2. Split Your Code to Load Only What’s Needed

However, when your React app is being loaded, it might instantly try to download the whole thing, which usually results in a significant wait time.

But if you break down your application into pieces by code splitting in separate parts, these will be loaded on request, thus achieving a faster initial load of your application that leads to an improved user starting experience.

3. Lazy-Load Images and Components 

If your app has lots of images or sections, you do not need to load all up front. The objects will be loaded only when needed. For example, images do not need to load until the user has gotten to them after they scroll down. This also saves time and gives an app a speedy-feel.

4. Avoid unnecessary renders

A React app is only re-rendered if the data has changed; however, sometimes React re-renders something that did not undergo any change. This is causing a performance hit.

Tools like React.memo():, PureComponent, or useMemo can be used to prevent unnecessary re-rendering. They will inform React when something has really changed and when there is nothing to be done.

5. Turn The Table Into Virtual Long Lists

Long lists of advertisements or tables might slow down an application too much as their size increases they can be really helpful. Therefore, virtualization is an awesome way to look for only those items on a screen, and as the list will be too long, React will show you the part of the list you can see and load more when you scroll. As a result, you will have a fast app even with thousands of items. 

6. Optimize Images To Load Faster

Images are usually very large files, and if they are not optimized, they can become a drag on your app. Compress the images to enable faster loading and so they take up less space. Another way of course is to choose image formats like WebP, which are much smaller and load faster than regular playable picture formats.

7. Employ a Quality State Management System

With React, the state holds the data from which your application shows. In the framework, setting a good state will ensure that it is for the smooth running of everything. Granted that your app is small, by using the hook useState, the state management will be able to handle prospects up to some level. However, a larger app would require such libraries as Redux or Recoil if you want to handle the state better while not sacrificing any performance issues.

8. Minimize the Size of Your App's Files

Upon building an app, a package gets into files termed as bundles that are huge or voluminous. The longer the wait your app will take for it to load, but lucky enough, there is a technique by which the size of a bundle can be reduced: removing code you really don't need and trashing the tree shaking to take away the parts of the code you may not require. Thus, your app gets small and faster.

9. Service Workers Route Important Resources

Service workers enable a site to load, and in fact cache important files - like images and stylesheets - so that returning users or other touchpoints of application do not need to reload these files. This helps the app be faster, even on a poor network connection.

10. Always Keep Your Libraries and Tools Updated

It is significantly important to keep libraries and tools updated as soon as they get old. New versions usually get updated with bug fixes and performance improvements that make the application run faster. Always keep checking for updates so that you can stay minimized on obsolete versions that can slow down the speed of running your app.


Therefore, scaling the React application for better performance is not a difficult task. By applying these easy and simple strategies like lazy loading, code splitting, and optimizing images, one gets to prepare the application such that it loads somewhat more rapidly and runs much smoother. These tips will help you build an app that is faster, efficient, and at the same time serves your users well. So start using the best strategies with your React app today! 

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